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New beginnings brings new winnings

Patriots welcome the new stadium

     After an ongoing election in 2016 over the bond for JISD, the bond provided Veterans Memorial High School with a brand new stadium on campus and many more facility upgrades. Before the time of the stadium being built, all of JISD schools would use D.W Rutledge Stadium for games, events and Marching competitions. It was difficult for Veterans to use Rutledge due to transportation, overcrowding and equipment. 

     It is less of a hassle for Veterans with our new stadium being built right on our campus and not only did it benefit the whole athletic department. “ The bond benefited not only the athletics but also the multiple-use facility. We will be able to play soccer, host pep rallies and all of our athletic teams can use the turf surface for athletic periods and practices,” Robert Irvin, explained, Men’s Athletic Coordinator/Head Football Coach. 

     The football season is starting off with a kickoff at the new stadium; the JV and freshman football are looking forward to the upcoming season to see how the new field is. The new stadium gives us advantages in many ways, for example with our games. The old turf on the field that was used before had natural grass, and our grass fields got too wet and muddy to use so the new field will especially be helpful for when it rains. With the new stadium, there won’t be any problems like before; this helps VMHS a lot for future games and will result in fewer problems for athletes in the future.

 Not only does the field help, but it’s also a luxury to opposing teams, giving them a much better experience when they come to play VMHS athletes. “They added a new locker room for the away team and bleachers for the team, which I didn’t expect at all,” Issiah Deleon, sophomore, explained. 

With the new stadium the hopes are to take care of it over time for future Patriots, “I obviously expect it to be respected and taken care of by fellow athletes, but more importantly, I expect to perform on the new field with pride and a new feeling of home,” Dylan Hadas, junior, said.

To fully present the brand new field, VMHS will have a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the stadium later. Until then, upcoming games will still be played at the stadium, which will be used for other activities in the near future.

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