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Mum-Making Magic

Theatre Department Throws Mum-Making Party
Junior Addison Goolsby (Left) and Sophomore Olivia Memelo (Right) present freshly assembled mum.
Junior Addison Goolsby (Left) and Sophomore Olivia Memelo (Right) present freshly assembled mum.
Elena Forbes

The Veteran’s Theater Department hosted a festive get-together of Mum-Making in preparation for Homecoming. This year’s new line-up of theater officers brought students together to boost morale after Rodrigo Míreles, the former theater director, left the previous week. Sweet treats, craft supplies and music were provided in the black box room on Sept. 4, welcoming any and all interested patriots.

Students stayed in the black box after school, where they were met with clothed tables, snacks and smiles, all courtesy of the Veteran’s Varsity Theatre class. Every student took the initiative in advertising and inviting students to their all-inclusive event, setting up the party, and staying after to tidy up. 

Parent chaperones lent a helping hand. Bear Goolsby, Universal City council member, and Shelby Goolsby, Olympia Elementary School teacher, offered their support alongside Dawn Keane-Dawes, VMHS Economics teacher, in supervising the student-planned gathering.

“The other officers and I come together to ensure we can provide the best for our department and school. Our leadership and teamwork skills make me feel very confident in hosting another party or any activity we take on,” Drama Club president Madelyn Holstein stated. She has spent the past month caring for and encouraging the department’s abilities and intentions this year in light of permanently missing a co-director.

“Our goal was to take off any stress that comes with the beginning of every school year and to create a lively atmosphere for anyone to join,” Holstein said.

Sophomores Jeneva Tupper (Left), Trixxi Finn (Center), and Junior Kaitlyn Ryan (Right) craft and chat while happily greeting guests. (Elena Forbes)

Closing this magical meeting of fun and festivity, Patriot left with finished Homecoming Mums, a taste of the Theatre atmosphere, elevation in school spirit and fond memories.

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