As long as feminism has been a thing, it has been misunderstood and confused with misandry, the hatred of men, the opposite of misogyny. The word feminism is the advocacy for women’s rights based on the equality of the sexes. It is the belief in full social, economic, and political equality for women. However, it is a movement about all genders getting equal opportunities and rights. The month of March is known as the celebration of women, established in 1987. At Veterans Memorial High School, we celebrate the women in the workforce and the ones working hard for their education.
The art and painting teacher at VMHS, Khadijah Green-Gaskin, has many accomplishments from being an educator for the last two years to being a first-year girl’s freshman basketball coach and one of the assistant coaches for track and field. Green has done artwork for clothing brands in Dallas, including 316 collections and art of homage. She’s won a plethora of art and spoken word competitions and has also won three basketball championships in college at The University of Texas at Tyler. “Having women in education is vital not only to the success of young women but also the success of young men,” said Green. “Women educators act as role models and ensure that young women are provided with equal access to education.”
Mariah Shanklin is the lead candidate for the 2022 valedictorian at VMHS. “Women students make great contributions to education, and their access to it allows them to make the best out of their lives. Women also have a personal understanding of how much progress women have made throughout the years,” Shanklin said. “For that reason, they will continue to push their students or peers to be better and work for what they want.” With a 4.45 GPA, Shanklin is a two-year varsity letterman, an AP Scholar with Distinction and a member of the National Honor Society. Her accomplishments also include recently receiving the Valero Alamo Bowl Scholarship.
Sandra Martin, AP World History and Women and Gender Studies educator at VMHS, explains that by studying gender, we can learn how to appreciate the differences in each gender and celebrate the differences that different genders bring to society. Celebrating Women’s History Month has become an achievement; however, it is not very recognized. “When looking for information and special things to do for Women’s History Month, there are few resources available. I think it’s a good idea to have Women’s History Month because so many of the amazing accomplishments of women are no longer being studied anywhere in the Social Studies classes,” states Martin.
Ellen Ball, an assistant principal at VMHS, has been in education for 15 years and an administrator for five years while being a mother to her son. “I am strong, opinionated, and determined to succeed and make a difference,” said Ball, as she continues to represent a strong female presence at VMHS.