VMHS JROTC program attended the “Remember The Vets” competition at Somerset High School on Oct. 28. As they started the day at the competition, cadets were assigned to their first activity, marksmanship. After filling out their information and position, they enter a small room with their equipment. They focused on the target, shooting air rifles into a mark, switching positions from prone to standing and kneeling.
When they finished, they picked up their equipment and headed back. Within the next hour, cadets were transferred to another activity called the drill, where they waited for their team leader to contact the commands.
As the drill started, the leader of the cadets chanted commands for the team to follow as this activity went on for 8 minutes. It is one competition with numerous activities for every cadet, such as drill team, academics, and marksmanship, to test abilities and knowledge in different areas.
As the day comes to an end, everyone is gathered together to go to one more activity where they are placed into a room again to test what they learned by playing a quiz game containing fifty questions that needed to be answered within thirty minutes, well in less than thirty minutes they have completed the final stopping point and scored a good score. They are tired but proud of what they have accomplished today and what they can also improve on. “Within the next week or so, The VMHS JROTC program will figure out their team’s results and the spots they placed.

Heather Antcliff-(US Flag)
Albert Feliciano-(Texas Flag)
Gavin Mick-(Right) (Abigail Rodney)
This concludes JROTC’s “Remember The Vets” competition, and we will see where our JROTC program has ranked.
As we arrive next week, a couple of days after the competition, we will receive their rankings in the positions they made. They welcomed first place in Unarmed Exhibition Drill, Second place in Male Color Guard, First place in marksmanship, and second place in Inspection Drill. Congratulations to the JROTC for their winnings and their hard work and dedication. If you see or know anyone in the JROTC program, congratulate them for their success.